Living off grid – an alternative way of living

In the past, long before the complexities of financial systems and modern conveniences, humans relied on natural resources to survive. We would collect water from streams and wells, grow our own food and build our own shelters from the materials we could find. We were completely independent. Nowadays, we rely on public resources. We need supermarkets for food, utility companies to produce our water and electricity and construction workers to build our house. 

Lately, off grid living is becoming more popular. More and more people are seeking alternatives to the standard life. Living off grid traditionally means being disconnected from the electrical grid. But in many cases it also includes being disconnected from utilities like water and gas. One of the benefits of living off grid is that it’s financially cheaper. Your overall expenses are lower since you don’t really depend on external services. You don’t have to pay utility bills and since you grow your own fruits and vegetables, your food costs are lower. Another benefit is that, since you’re in control of producing your own food, you know exactly where it comes from. You don’t have to worry about harmful pesticides and fertilizers. If you choose to grow your food organically, it’s guaranteed that your food will be free from chemicals. 

Off grid living also allows you to spend more time outside, in nature. In today’s society we barely even see the sunlight anymore. Especially with technology taking over. We go to school or work, which both usually take place indoors. Then we often spend the rest of our day inside, either at home behind our phones and computers or in any other indoor facility. It’s really easy to get disconnected from the natural world. Children also barely play outside anymore. Instead they often choose to play video games or use social media. When living off grid, you have no choice but to spend at least a part of your day outside. Doing things like gardening, collecting wood or hunting. Spending time outside is really beneficial to your mental and physical health. It reduces stress, enhances mental clarity, and increases overall happiness. You get vitamin D and breathe in fresh air, both essential for your physical health. 

Although it has many benefits, living off grid can also make life more challenging. You rely completely on your survival skills. You can no longer go to the supermarket whenever you’re running out of food. And you depend on the weather conditions for generating power through systems such as solar panels and wind turbines. So there might be days where you’re stuck without electricity. On the other hand, it also offers a lot of freedom. When you think about it, in daily life, we spend more time with our colleagues than with our loved ones. We spend 6-8 hours a day either at school or at work and once we get home we only have little time left with our family. Living off grid gives you the flexibility to choose how you spend your time. You can focus on what really makes you happy. 

Living off grid gives you more financial freedom, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need any money. Especially when you’re first setting up your off-grid life. First you will need to buy land, then you’ll need to buy all the materials and tools needed to build your home. Once everything is set up you will still need money for things like maintenance, health insurance and unexpected expenses. There are many ways you can earn money when living off grid. You can sell products like eggs, meat, fruits and vegetables. You can work an online job, make furniture or even start giving educational workshops about sustainable living, survival skills, organic growing etc. 

The off grid life definitely isn’t for everyone, but for those who are tired of the modern, materialistic lifestyle, it can be a great alternative. Not only is it a more sustainable option, but it also allows you to reconnect with the natural world. 

Tara Richardson

Sources: – 5 Reasons Why You Should Give Off-Grid Living A Chance & Why Workaway Is The Perfect Place To Start – Best Careers for Living Off the Grid

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